I Hope everyone enjoyed the past holiday Season!
It's been awhile since I've updated this page and I wanted to let everyone know whats been happening since Xooma lost the original Kardiaxyme (previously known as Proalgazyme)
I've been searching for products that will naturaly lower Cholesterol and help control Lipids. There are some good products out there but, unfortunatly, none that have worked for me.
Xooma's replacement Kardiaxyme did not work. I tried a double dose for 4 months and my cholesterol went WAY up. So did my Triglicerides and LDL.
I'm currently waiting on the results of my recent bloodwork after being on a product that has a 12+ year Proven track record for helping people like myself. This product has literally THOUSANDS of testimonials endorsing the results.
I'll report mine when I get them :-)
Xooma Kardiaxyme Helps to Lower Cholesterol Naturally
Monday, January 7, 2013
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Your life can be what you want it to be. You can find joy this coming year ! Kardiaxyme can help.
Make your happiness the number one thing in your life. Happiness is an inside job.
You have choice. You can select joy over despair in your life. You can select happiness over tears. You can select action over apathy. You can select growth over stagnation. You can select you. And you can select life. And it's time that people tell you you're not at the mercy of forces greater than yourself. You are, indeed, the greatest force for you. - Leo Buscaglia.
> I changed my Health last year when, after a trip to Salt Lake City Utah to meet with the owner of Xooma worldwide, I found Kardiaxyme. I have lowered my Cholesterol and been able to stop using Statin drugs.
It's unfortunate that Xooma and the management team didnt turn out to be what I though they were.
You have choice. You can select joy over despair in your life. You can select happiness over tears. You can select action over apathy. You can select growth over stagnation. You can select you. And you can select life. And it's time that people tell you you're not at the mercy of forces greater than yourself. You are, indeed, the greatest force for you. - Leo Buscaglia.
> I changed my Health last year when, after a trip to Salt Lake City Utah to meet with the owner of Xooma worldwide, I found Kardiaxyme. I have lowered my Cholesterol and been able to stop using Statin drugs.
It's unfortunate that Xooma and the management team didnt turn out to be what I though they were.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Help Lower your Cholesterol Naturally and Support a Healthy Inflammation Response !
Previously known as ProAlgaZyme, Xooma Worldwide has obtained exclusive rights and repackaged the product under the name Kardiaxyme.
One of the simple truths of superior health is that water from plants is healthier than tap water or "processed water." Plants structure the water, arranging molecules into a life-supporting pattern that's far more complex and advanced than simple H2O. This is one of the reasons why juicing vegetables water is so good for your health: The water found in the fibers of celery, cucumbers and kale is plant-based "structured water" arranged in a molecular pattern imbued with natural bio-compatibility.
It's a myth that all H2O is the same. Water doesn't merely consist of isolated molecules of H2O floating around. Instead, the molecular bonds of H2O in water are constantly being released and reformed with neighboring molecules. Water is fluid, even from the point of view of its covalent bonds (in the sense of chemistry). It is perhaps the single most miraculous substance in our universe, without which human life would absolutely not exist.
It's a myth that all H2O is the same. Water doesn't merely consist of isolated molecules of H2O floating around. Instead, the molecular bonds of H2O in water are constantly being released and reformed with neighboring molecules. Water is fluid, even from the point of view of its covalent bonds (in the sense of chemistry). It is perhaps the single most miraculous substance in our universe, without which human life would absolutely not exist.
Life on Earth depends on water
In fact, one of the things that makes planet Earth so unique is that it sits in precisely the "comfort zone" of orbital distance from the sun to allow water to flow. It's not so cold that the water freezes, nor so hot that the water boils off. Earth is the water planet, and we are water beings (70% or more of our body is water).
Juicing is a great way to get structured plant-based water into your body. But now there's another way that's even easier. An Arizona company has developed a way to grow structured water using distilled water in aquariums full of freshwater algae. The alga, as living aquatic plants, alter the structure of the water in much the same way as a celery plant. But instead of locking all the water inside itself, the alga release it back into the aquarium.
Multiply this by hundreds of large aquariums and you get a structured water farm, where the water can be collected, filtered and then distributed to customers who want to drink an algae infusion of plant-based water.
That's how ProAlgaZyme, now known as Kardiaxyme came about.
Juicing is a great way to get structured plant-based water into your body. But now there's another way that's even easier. An Arizona company has developed a way to grow structured water using distilled water in aquariums full of freshwater algae. The alga, as living aquatic plants, alter the structure of the water in much the same way as a celery plant. But instead of locking all the water inside itself, the alga release it back into the aquarium.
Multiply this by hundreds of large aquariums and you get a structured water farm, where the water can be collected, filtered and then distributed to customers who want to drink an algae infusion of plant-based water.
That's how ProAlgaZyme, now known as Kardiaxyme came about.
Kardiaxyme is structured plant water in a bottle
It's well known that fresh daily juicing of vegetables is a great way to get structured water into your body. But for those who don't have the time to buy, wash and juice organic vegetables on a daily basis, Kardiaxyme offers a convenient way to add a supplement of structured plant-based water to your daily diet. Some say the notice a hint of a flavor, most say its flavorless.
It's not a complete replacement for all the plant medicines found in fruits and vegetables but, it is a concentrated source of plant-based water that has helped support remarkable health in many people who consume it.
The FDA prohibits people from describing the full extent of how this substance may support human health and healing, but it can be said, at the very least, that Kardiaxyme has been scientifically shown to support a healthy inflammation response for our whole body health.*
Most of us understand the inflammation we may occasionally feel in our joints, our backs and our necks or from ankle/knee injures when we "swell up". However, research on the relationship between the body's natural inflammation response and whole body health is evident.
Whole-body health calls for a whole-body inflammation response*. To maintain a healthy inflammation response and joint mobility we need really understand this natural process. The body's natural inflammatory response affects every major organ system. Suddenly, supporting a healthy inflammation response takes on whole new meaning.
The Inflammation Response & Heart Health Recent research suggests that a key factor in predicting heart health is gauging the level of the inflammation response in the arteries. Early data from a human clinical trial conducted at Columbia University suggests that healthy levels of C-reactive protein -- a blood marker used to assess the inflammation response that is a key indicator of cardiac health.*
The Inflammation Response & Aging is not only the result of the passage of time. It is actually something our own bodies create, a side effect of the inflammatory system. While there is no “cure” for the natural process of aging, the conscious and active control the body’s natural inflammation response is now believed to have the potential to slow down the natural aging process.
In addition, Kardiaxyme may be helpful in supporting cardiovascular health by maintaining HDL and LDL cholesterol already within a normal range.* Decreases in their LDL (lousy or bad cholesterol) and increase in HDL (Healthy cholesterol) are common.
Those who wish to maintain healthy blood pressure levels may also benefit from the support of Kardiaxyme.*
The Kardiaxyme algae infusion has been clinically tested, and the results are quite remarkable. I'm currently reviewing the scientific literature and I'm blown away by the attention to quality in their lab, and the clinical studies I'm looking at are very exciting.
Again, FDA regulations prohibit people from telling the results of the studies I'm looking at, because the FDA censors nutritional science. It is unlawful in the United States to speak of the scientific findings for nutritional substances you offer for sale. (What a sad commentary on America, huh?)
It's not a complete replacement for all the plant medicines found in fruits and vegetables but, it is a concentrated source of plant-based water that has helped support remarkable health in many people who consume it.
The FDA prohibits people from describing the full extent of how this substance may support human health and healing, but it can be said, at the very least, that Kardiaxyme has been scientifically shown to support a healthy inflammation response for our whole body health.*
Most of us understand the inflammation we may occasionally feel in our joints, our backs and our necks or from ankle/knee injures when we "swell up". However, research on the relationship between the body's natural inflammation response and whole body health is evident.
Whole-body health calls for a whole-body inflammation response*. To maintain a healthy inflammation response and joint mobility we need really understand this natural process. The body's natural inflammatory response affects every major organ system. Suddenly, supporting a healthy inflammation response takes on whole new meaning.
The Inflammation Response & Heart Health Recent research suggests that a key factor in predicting heart health is gauging the level of the inflammation response in the arteries. Early data from a human clinical trial conducted at Columbia University suggests that healthy levels of C-reactive protein -- a blood marker used to assess the inflammation response that is a key indicator of cardiac health.*
The Inflammation Response & Aging is not only the result of the passage of time. It is actually something our own bodies create, a side effect of the inflammatory system. While there is no “cure” for the natural process of aging, the conscious and active control the body’s natural inflammation response is now believed to have the potential to slow down the natural aging process.
In addition, Kardiaxyme may be helpful in supporting cardiovascular health by maintaining HDL and LDL cholesterol already within a normal range.* Decreases in their LDL (lousy or bad cholesterol) and increase in HDL (Healthy cholesterol) are common.
Those who wish to maintain healthy blood pressure levels may also benefit from the support of Kardiaxyme.*
The Kardiaxyme algae infusion has been clinically tested, and the results are quite remarkable. I'm currently reviewing the scientific literature and I'm blown away by the attention to quality in their lab, and the clinical studies I'm looking at are very exciting.
Again, FDA regulations prohibit people from telling the results of the studies I'm looking at, because the FDA censors nutritional science. It is unlawful in the United States to speak of the scientific findings for nutritional substances you offer for sale. (What a sad commentary on America, huh?)
How Kardiaxyme is made
Freshwater algae is grown in large tanks filled with distilled water that's circulated among the tanks. After a period of growing time, the water is drawn off the algae tanks, filtered, tested for purity and then bottled.
KardiaXyme has quietly become one of the best-kept secrets inside the nutritional products industry because many other companies use it as their water base in extremely high-potency liquid supplements. There's even an effort to research Kardiaxyme as a future pharmaceutical. But of course, we don't need it to be classified as a "drug" to benefit from the substance right now as a nutritional supplement. That's what's so great about the availability of this product right now: It's affordable and readily available.
You only need to take a few ounces each day to benefit from Kardiaxyme. It probably wouldn't make sense, of course, to grow your own algae infused water in aquariums at homes, because that's probably far more complex than any of us would care to get into. Each bottle of Kardiaxyme contains 32 fluid ounces.
Kardiaxyme is readily available. (And don't forget to juice raw organic vegetables whenever you have the extra time!)
* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
KardiaXyme has quietly become one of the best-kept secrets inside the nutritional products industry because many other companies use it as their water base in extremely high-potency liquid supplements. There's even an effort to research Kardiaxyme as a future pharmaceutical. But of course, we don't need it to be classified as a "drug" to benefit from the substance right now as a nutritional supplement. That's what's so great about the availability of this product right now: It's affordable and readily available.
You only need to take a few ounces each day to benefit from Kardiaxyme. It probably wouldn't make sense, of course, to grow your own algae infused water in aquariums at homes, because that's probably far more complex than any of us would care to get into. Each bottle of Kardiaxyme contains 32 fluid ounces.
Kardiaxyme is readily available. (And don't forget to juice raw organic vegetables whenever you have the extra time!)
Contact me at TeamEnergyHealth@yahoo.com for more info or to make your order today !!
Buy 4 bottles @ the member only price: $149.97 (ITEM #2704)
There is no charge to purchase at the member only price. You will be given a free website that you may use to reorder the following month.
KardiaXyme is no longer available.
Call me if you have any questions !
* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Statins may not cut risk of cancer
Statins may not cut risk of cancer
November 1st, 2011
Author: Philip Ridley
The Journal of the National Cancer Institute have suggested that a cholesterol reducing drug called simvastatin helps keep cancer at bay, and it is being proposed for breast cancer victims.
All of the newspapers have picked up on this press release, as they always do, without question. The Institute itself have stated that further studies are required and they only make the claim that these statins may avoid breast cancer relapse. There is also widespread, readily available evidence from a growing number of scientists and doctors that statins are not beneficial and that they can cause significant harm.
The truth is, that cholesterol can only cause cancer if it is oxidized and becomes a free radical. Cholesterol is a very delicate compound, which is why the body encases it in protein when transporting it. LDL, purportedly the bad cholesterol, is the protein casing for cholesterol traveling from the liver to where it is required, and HDL, purportedly the good cholesterol, is the protein casing for cholesterol when it returns to the liver for recycling.
If all cholesterol produced by the liver was bad, then how did we survive as a species to date? If the liver is well nourished with sufficient nutrient dense foods, it produces a perfectly healthy LDL cholesterol. However, the protein casing becomes malformed when the liver is malnourished, leaving the cholesterol it produces vulnerable to oxidation. The liver is a very fatty organ which requires liberal quantities of fats and fat soluble vitamins to function properly, particularly vitamin A. Unfortunately, with natural animal fats blamed for “bad” cholesterol, people are avoiding the very foods necessary for proper cholesterol production.
The other major source of oxidised cholesterol is processed food. Cholesterol, being a delicate molecule, is always protected in natural whole foods. However, many common foods are now highly processed. This tends to damage the protection foods provide to cholesterol, thus allowing it to oxidize and become harmful. Culprits include powdered milk. This is added to many ice-creams and low fat dairy products to add bulk. It is also used to standardize the fat content in milk, with now even the organic Marks and Spencers milk being standardized. I see it also in many other processed foods. Powdered eggs also have oxidised cholesterol and are used in many processed foods. This is only a very short list of the many high pressure, high temperature processes that should be avoided.
We are told to avoid animal products, but processing is done just as much to products containing polyunsaturated vegetable oils. Unfortunately, they are far more delicate and are more likely to become damaged and rancid, exposing us to free radicals and trans-fats at far lower heats and temperatures. This is why seed oils tend to be sold cold pressed and in dark bottles to protect them from sunlight when sold at health food stores. Yet these are the primary fats used for cooking and in processed foods. And then there is the recent fad of purchasing cold pressed rapeseed oil and cooking with it!
Ironically, properly formed LDL cholesterol is a potent anti-oxidant, helping protect the body from cancer. This is just one of cholesterol's many roles. The consumption of antioxidants reduces blood cholesterol levels because those antioxidants will do cholesterols’ work, and the liver will only produce cholesterol that the body needs. Therefore, whilst statins may reduce oxidized cholesterol, it will also reduce beneficial healthy cholesterol, potentially leading to more free radicals and a greater chance of cancer, particularly for those who do not consume many antioxidants and who continue to eat processed food.
Philip Ridley is London Chapter Leader of the Weston A. Price Foundation: westonaprice.org/london
November 1st, 2011
Author: Philip Ridley
The Journal of the National Cancer Institute have suggested that a cholesterol reducing drug called simvastatin helps keep cancer at bay, and it is being proposed for breast cancer victims.
All of the newspapers have picked up on this press release, as they always do, without question. The Institute itself have stated that further studies are required and they only make the claim that these statins may avoid breast cancer relapse. There is also widespread, readily available evidence from a growing number of scientists and doctors that statins are not beneficial and that they can cause significant harm.
The truth is, that cholesterol can only cause cancer if it is oxidized and becomes a free radical. Cholesterol is a very delicate compound, which is why the body encases it in protein when transporting it. LDL, purportedly the bad cholesterol, is the protein casing for cholesterol traveling from the liver to where it is required, and HDL, purportedly the good cholesterol, is the protein casing for cholesterol when it returns to the liver for recycling.
If all cholesterol produced by the liver was bad, then how did we survive as a species to date? If the liver is well nourished with sufficient nutrient dense foods, it produces a perfectly healthy LDL cholesterol. However, the protein casing becomes malformed when the liver is malnourished, leaving the cholesterol it produces vulnerable to oxidation. The liver is a very fatty organ which requires liberal quantities of fats and fat soluble vitamins to function properly, particularly vitamin A. Unfortunately, with natural animal fats blamed for “bad” cholesterol, people are avoiding the very foods necessary for proper cholesterol production.
The other major source of oxidised cholesterol is processed food. Cholesterol, being a delicate molecule, is always protected in natural whole foods. However, many common foods are now highly processed. This tends to damage the protection foods provide to cholesterol, thus allowing it to oxidize and become harmful. Culprits include powdered milk. This is added to many ice-creams and low fat dairy products to add bulk. It is also used to standardize the fat content in milk, with now even the organic Marks and Spencers milk being standardized. I see it also in many other processed foods. Powdered eggs also have oxidised cholesterol and are used in many processed foods. This is only a very short list of the many high pressure, high temperature processes that should be avoided.
We are told to avoid animal products, but processing is done just as much to products containing polyunsaturated vegetable oils. Unfortunately, they are far more delicate and are more likely to become damaged and rancid, exposing us to free radicals and trans-fats at far lower heats and temperatures. This is why seed oils tend to be sold cold pressed and in dark bottles to protect them from sunlight when sold at health food stores. Yet these are the primary fats used for cooking and in processed foods. And then there is the recent fad of purchasing cold pressed rapeseed oil and cooking with it!
Ironically, properly formed LDL cholesterol is a potent anti-oxidant, helping protect the body from cancer. This is just one of cholesterol's many roles. The consumption of antioxidants reduces blood cholesterol levels because those antioxidants will do cholesterols’ work, and the liver will only produce cholesterol that the body needs. Therefore, whilst statins may reduce oxidized cholesterol, it will also reduce beneficial healthy cholesterol, potentially leading to more free radicals and a greater chance of cancer, particularly for those who do not consume many antioxidants and who continue to eat processed food.
Philip Ridley is London Chapter Leader of the Weston A. Price Foundation: westonaprice.org/london
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
My Kardiaxyme results, My Cholesterol History.
In 1987, I worked for Garrett Turbine Engine Company in Phoenix Arizona. Phenomenal company that had a fantastic family atmosphere. Garrett TEC actually cared about their employees. In 1987 they started a Wellness program and testing was free for all employees.
I scheduled a time to get myself tested.
1987 I was 25yrs old, 6' tall 190lbs in GREAT shape because I competitively cycled, Motocrossed, Weight trained and played Volleyball. I figured I would set the mark for others to achieve. 25 and had attitude....what are the chances of that :-)
One week later, they called me into the office to talk about my results. My Pulmonary Function Tests were 122% for people in my age group. BUT.......my cholesterol was 368 and my Triglycerides were 1800+ !!! the plus meant they couldn't test any "higher" . The doctor told me it was hereditary and I needed meds immediately.
Of course, I didn't do it. I was shocked with my results. But, What do "They" know. I can fix this myself. After a year of trying, I went on Statin drugs in 1988 and I'm still on them. I've continued to get tested at least once a year since also.
Fast forward to December 2010. My good friend Bryan tells me about a company that is coming out with an all natural product that lowers cholesterol and has no side affects. Yeah, sure it does but, I trust Bryan and I figured nothing else has ever worked why not try this too. I had my blood lipid panels tested and started taking the product at the end of January 2011.
I just received my 5 month cholesterol test results TODAY, June 28th,2011.
During the past 5 months on KardiaXyme- And as of Today -my highs and lows are as follows:
___________________High_________Low_____Points_____Percentage Change
Total Cholesterol______239_________180______-59__________-24%
HDL (healthy)_________ 40__________35______+5__________+13% (higher is better)
LDL (lousy)___________142__________96______-46__________-32%
With Kardiaxyme and after being on Statin Drugs for 23 years .......
if it worked for me , it will work for everyone!
I still take statins but, I will be discussing reduction with my doctor soon. Do you realize just how BIG this is for me? :-)
I'm 49 years old. If I never found out about my cholesterol problem 24 years ago I would probably not be writing this today. I was a ticking time bomb. I probably would have been one of those mid 30 something year olds that we see have heart attacks and not make it. Honestly, what "healthy" 25year old guy gets his cholesterol tested? I wouldn't have thats for sure!
UPDATE 11/03/11
During the month of July, I slowly started weening myself off statin drugs. This process took ~45 days.
I retested at the end of October - my Cholesterol is holding at 191 !!! I am OFF of statin drugs !
Click on any specific part of the picture for more info

Get KardiaXyme for 30 days, Click Here to Order. It will automatically add a 30 day supply to your cart. Just fill in the required shipping and CC info. a 30 day supply is only $149.97 plus shipping. We have been seeing some amazing positive changes in peoples cholesterol !
I scheduled a time to get myself tested.
1987 I was 25yrs old, 6' tall 190lbs in GREAT shape because I competitively cycled, Motocrossed, Weight trained and played Volleyball. I figured I would set the mark for others to achieve. 25 and had attitude....what are the chances of that :-)
One week later, they called me into the office to talk about my results. My Pulmonary Function Tests were 122% for people in my age group. BUT.......my cholesterol was 368 and my Triglycerides were 1800+ !!! the plus meant they couldn't test any "higher" . The doctor told me it was hereditary and I needed meds immediately.
Of course, I didn't do it. I was shocked with my results. But, What do "They" know. I can fix this myself. After a year of trying, I went on Statin drugs in 1988 and I'm still on them. I've continued to get tested at least once a year since also.
Fast forward to December 2010. My good friend Bryan tells me about a company that is coming out with an all natural product that lowers cholesterol and has no side affects. Yeah, sure it does but, I trust Bryan and I figured nothing else has ever worked why not try this too. I had my blood lipid panels tested and started taking the product at the end of January 2011.
I just received my 5 month cholesterol test results TODAY, June 28th,2011.
During the past 5 months on KardiaXyme- And as of Today -my highs and lows are as follows:
___________________High_________Low_____Points_____Percentage Change
Total Cholesterol______239_________180______-59__________-24%
HDL (healthy)_________ 40__________35______+5__________+13% (higher is better)
LDL (lousy)___________142__________96______-46__________-32%
With Kardiaxyme and after being on Statin Drugs for 23 years .......
if it worked for me , it will work for everyone!
I still take statins but, I will be discussing reduction with my doctor soon. Do you realize just how BIG this is for me? :-)
I'm 49 years old. If I never found out about my cholesterol problem 24 years ago I would probably not be writing this today. I was a ticking time bomb. I probably would have been one of those mid 30 something year olds that we see have heart attacks and not make it. Honestly, what "healthy" 25year old guy gets his cholesterol tested? I wouldn't have thats for sure!
UPDATE 11/03/11
During the month of July, I slowly started weening myself off statin drugs. This process took ~45 days.
I retested at the end of October - my Cholesterol is holding at 191 !!! I am OFF of statin drugs !
Click on any specific part of the picture for more info

Get KardiaXyme for 30 days, Click Here to Order. It will automatically add a 30 day supply to your cart. Just fill in the required shipping and CC info. a 30 day supply is only $149.97 plus shipping. We have been seeing some amazing positive changes in peoples cholesterol !
Possible Link between Type 2 diabetes and Cholesterol Lowering drugs

(CBS) Do cholesterol-lowering drugs raise the risk for diabetes?
A new study suggests people who take high doses of popular statin drugs like Lipotor and Zocor face a heightened risk for type 2 diabetes, a disease that affects more than 25 million Americans.
"Overall, we found that high doses were associated with a 12 percent increased risk of diabetes compared with standard doses," study co-author Dr. Kausik Ray, professor of cardiovascular disease prevention at St George's in London, told Reuters.
Researchers took a close look at experiments involving 33,000 heart patients taking statins and found almost 8.4 percent of them developed diabetes. Almost 4.5 percent of those patients were taking a high dosage (80 mg a day) and almost 4 percent were on moderate dosages (10 mg to 40 mg a day).
What might explain the link between statins and diabetes? Some experts theorized that the heart patients on the high-dose regimen were already predisposed to developing diabetes. Others noted that statins can cause muscle soreness, and theorized that that soreness might have led to a sedentary lifestyle that triggered diabetes, WebMD reported.
Whatever the case, the authors of the study said in a written statement that doctors should carefully monitor their statin-taking patients for diabetes.
Should people who take statins consider going off the drugs?
"Patients who need high doses of statins are at very high risk of heart attacks and strokes," Dr. Ray told Reuters. "They should not come off these drugs."
The study was published in the June 22 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Possible Link found between Type 2 diabetes and Cholesterol Lowering drugs

(CBS) Do cholesterol-lowering drugs raise the risk for diabetes?
A new study suggests people who take high doses of popular statin drugs like Lipotor and Zocor face a heightened risk for type 2 diabetes, a disease that affects more than 25 million Americans.
"Overall, we found that high doses were associated with a 12 percent increased risk of diabetes compared with standard doses," study co-author Dr. Kausik Ray, professor of cardiovascular disease prevention at St George's in London, told Reuters.
Researchers took a close look at experiments involving 33,000 heart patients taking statins and found almost 8.4 percent of them developed diabetes. Almost 4.5 percent of those patients were taking a high dosage (80 mg a day) and almost 4 percent were on moderate dosages (10 mg to 40 mg a day).
What might explain the link between statins and diabetes? Some experts theorized that the heart patients on the high-dose regimen were already predisposed to developing diabetes. Others noted that statins can cause muscle soreness, and theorized that that soreness might have led to a sedentary lifestyle that triggered diabetes, WebMD reported.
Whatever the case, the authors of the study said in a written statement that doctors should carefully monitor their statin-taking patients for diabetes.
Should people who take statins consider going off the drugs?
"Patients who need high doses of statins are at very high risk of heart attacks and strokes," Dr. Ray told Reuters. "They should not come off these drugs."
The study was published in the June 22 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Possible Link found between Type 2 diabetes and Cholesterol Lowering drugs
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